mercredi 30 janvier 2008

Panel Discussion on resolution on Human Rights Voluntary Goals by Brazil

(Timor is co-sponsor)
Tuesday January 29th.

The aim of the meeting was to hear views from the co-sponsors about the Panel planed by the resolution.
The Brazilian delegate has several questions:
- Date, time and duration of the panel,
- representation of the panel,
- composition of the panel,
- outcome of the panel,
- title of the panel.

Date: the chair proposed 2 dates. 1st: 4th oh March during the High Level Segment because several ministers would be here in Geneva for that event. 2nd: the morning of the 6th because the High Commissioner will present here report on the afternoon.

Delegations were flexible on both dates but finally choose the 4th of March. Because it is more appropriate, most of the ministers will be here either from 3 to 4 or from 4 to 5 of March. Plus, like Ecuador reminded, the resolution itself says on paragraph 2 that the panel should be convened during the HLS.

Time: the chair initially proposed to do it during lunch time from 1 to 3.

Delegations think that schedule is not good because, the panel will then be considered as a side even and they want it to be regular event put in the official calendar of the HRC. Spain then proposed to ask the President of the Council to do the 4th March session from 9 am to 12 am instead of 10 am to 1 pm, so that the panel will start at 12 am and finish by 2:30 pm or 3 pm.

Duration: will depend on the number of panelists.

Representation: the ideal would be 1 representative for each region since co-sponsors are from all 5 regions. Panama proposed personalities like Paolo Coelho, Desmond Tutu or Tony Blair as they are interested on these matters. But the chair answered that one should avoid political leaders in order not to create controversy.

Composition: the panel shall be composed by the 5 representatives, experts, and high level representatives, ministers ideally from the co-sponsors. They should be invited by the co-sponsors themselves. Ecuador asked whether there was a budget for these invitations or should it be paid by the countries. The chair responded that there is a budget for the panel but not for the invitation. The funds are to cover the translation.

Outcome: Ecuador answered that question by saying that the resolution itself says that the aim of the panel is to exchange points of views. So the discussion will follow after a presentation of a summary prepared by OHCHR.

Title: Panel on Human Rights Voluntary goals or something close to it.

Faye Ismaila Pedro

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