mardi 4 mars 2008

High Level Segment 3 March 2008

Several words and demands were repeated concerning the HRC. Those remarks were:
-Consensus about the fact that it is now time to implement effectively all the decisions, resolution and commitments taken until now. The focus should be re-orientated on the implementation, and no more on procedural matters.

The majority of the States recognize that the UPR is an institutional innovation. The UPR is an important tool of the HRC. It is universal because all the states will be examined and are concerned. The international community has great and high expectations from this new instrument. It should be a common place where dialogue, cooperation and transparency should be the rule. States acknowledge that there is a need for a successful operationalization.

A number of countries have given their support for the work of the High Commissioner, Mrs. Louise Arbour. Furthermore, several issues and statements have been addressed:

Women and Children’s right: in some countries, they face hard situation. They need to be more protected
Terrorism (Fight against terrorism should not violate human rights, therefore need for a limitation of the anti-terrorism laws)
Death penalty (a moratorium has been voted by the General Assembly last December)
Freedom of speech (this is an important thing, however, there are more and more limitations, and now, some journalists are under great pressure and cannot fully do their job)
HR defender

“Special Rapporteur” deals those issues. Many States have asked to extend the mandates related to those issues.


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