vendredi 30 mars 2007

30.03.2007 - Conclusion and Decisions

Draft resolutions reviewed today are :

- 4/L. 16 : Draft Resolution about « Globalization and its impact… » accepted (NAM in favor).

- 4/L. 15 : Draft Resolution about « Strenghtening of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, as revised » (NAM in favor too). China asked for a modification of OP 11. This will be transmitted to the secretariat.
EU : attached great importance to the role of the High Commissioner. EU won’t agree on the draft resolution as it is set to day.
Draft resolution : accepted.

- 4/L. 17 : Draft Resolution about « The rectification of the legal status of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights ».
The process regarding the reform of the conventional institutions of the Commitee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCRCee) seems to be an issue. Question : is it necessary to revise something that used to work fine ? No polls.

- 4/L.8/Rev.1 and L.7/Rev.2 : Draft Resolution on Darfur as revised.
African group (Arab Group joined). Agreement finaly found between EU and AG.
However France appeared to be in favor of the deployment of an international force on ground WITHOUT DELAY. Furthermore, there is a strong call addressed to the sudanese government to cooperate with the ICC. L.8/Rev.1 is no longer valid after the adoption of L. 7/Rev. 2.

- 4/L. 12 : Draft Resolution about « Combating defamation of religions ».
Cf. « Oral revision for L-12 » = erase « in which… » and add paragraph in bold.
EU : ask for a poll about L. 12 and didn’t agree with the draft.
Main issue about this resolution : focus only on Islam and don’t mention other religions !
Draft finaly adopted.

- 4/L. 13 : Draft Resolution about « Elimination of all forms of intolerance and discrimination based on religion or belief ».
Germany asked for somme modifications : paragr. 1 = erase « and subsequent » and paragr. 2 = « at its 6th session » instead of « regularly ». No polls.

- 4/L. 25 : Draft Resolution about « Incitement to racial and religious hatred and the promotion of tolerance ».
Nothing particular.

For more details :

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