mercredi 21 mars 2007

Working group on Working Methods and Rules of Procedure of the HRC-Wednesday 21st March- 13’30 to 15’00 by PM

Three major issues:

I. Working Methods
II. Rules of Procedure
III. Special Sessions

Both elements (intended for further discussion on the Facilitator’s paper) which were really discussed were:

1) Role of the Bureau : Consensus on the fact it has to be limited on procedural matters (notably Belgium, USA and China)
2) Informal Meetings limited to members of the Council? : Very large consensus against (USA, Cuba, Mexico, Iran or Norway). The HRC does not have to look like the Security Council

Willingness of the Facilitator (Philippines) to avoid unnecessary duplication of work with General Assembly trough greater coordination; Methods of work shall not to be used to substitute or replace existing human rights mechanisms.

France (and the Facilitator) argues for flexibility in the Working Methods;
Slovenia underlines the need of transparency.

Next meeting: maybe next week (or next month…)

Paul Milliet

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