mercredi 14 mars 2007

Consideration of reports – OHCHR, Reports of the intergovernmental WGs (Right to development, Durban Declaration)

Consideration of reports – OHCHR, Reports of the intergovernmental WGs (Right to development, Durban Declaration)
Report by Benedikt Kaelin

Human Rights Council, 4th session, report from the 14.3.2007
Palais des Nations, salle XVII, 15.00 – 18.00

Comments of concerned states :

Afghanistan :
Thanks for the efforts, they condemn the kidnapping of a journalist

Reduction of poverty, free elections, local democracy, decentralisation of power, reforn of the legal system are all objectives.

State takes note of recommendations

Pressing need for implementation of HR in Cyprus. Division of the Island: obstacle for implementation of HR.

Judicious use of HC bureau

Why is the representant of the Israeli apartheid regime even among us? Problem of pregnant women giving birth at checkpoints.

Comments of Member states:

The majority welcomed the outcomes of the working groups. Several questions were posed to Mme Louise Arbour, among them the questions, which measures she was going to take in order to celebrate the birthday. Question did also arise about the representation in OHCHR.

Mme Arbour than continued to present the OHCHR-report. Reports in Afghanistan, Cambodia, Colombia. Composition of the OHCHR should change in favour of a better representation.

- Chairperson-Rapporteur of the WG on the right to development, Mr.Salama:
There is know an intellectual clarity in the concept. Wider range of existing partnerships.
4 points:
- growing political commitment from all regional groups.
- high quality of the Task Force
- Wider scope of participants
- support of the secretariat

Framework is constructed together. The difficulty will rather lie in maintaining it.

- Chairperson-rapporteur of the WG on the effective implementation of the Durban Declaration, Mr. Martabit.

States are generally interested in the report and there’s not much debate.

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