mardi 20 mars 2007

Informal meeting on Complaint procedure - March 20th - AB

Almost half of this meeting was spent on a procedural debate, started by the delegate of Algeria who complained about the absence of interpretation. Indonesia joined him, asking for a full-recorded, transparent formal meeting with interpretation. The facilitator tried to re-focus the debate on substantive issues but was not immediately successful.

-----> The draft paper submitted by the facilitator paragraph stated in the 3rd paragraph that « a complaint procedure is established, with a view to adressing consistent patterns of gross and reliably attested violations of all HR and all fundamental freedoms occurring in any part of the world and under any circumstances ». This formulation was discussed during the remaining time.

- The USA, Russia, India said that the words « under any circumstances » were superfluous and should be removed. The purpose was probably to reduce the scope of action of the complaint procedure.

- Confidentiality of the procedure was asked by Russia, India, China, Cuba, Algeria and South Africa, alledgedly to better protect victims. UK reacted sharply by pointing out that confidentiality does not protect victims, but rather protects governments from embarrassment.

- Azerbaijan and South Africa wanted to replace « consistant patterns of gross and reliably attested violations of all HR... » by « gross and systematic violations of all HR ». UK said that such a change would increase the threshold of the procedure, and that it should then contain tougher measures in cas of violations.

The meeting ended with not much achieved. The remaining of the draft will have to be discussed in WG during the month of April.

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